
Hello, welcome to 1E03's Blog. (:

Afiqah Cynthia Jasmine.L Lisa Nicholas Shiming Shiqi


hi class.

basically, this post is about the class bbq cum gathering.
actually, nicholas and i had discussed about it and we actually thinks that we can actually use the bbq pit in school for our gathering.
this is because we do not have an ntuc card so it will be very expensive for us to book a chalet/bbq pit at downtown including our food.
thats why, by renting bbq pit in our school will be a much better choice as we save more and it is somehow convenient for everyone. but, i still need everyone's opinion as this is a class gathering.
another thing is that, since mid sem test is coming next month, we will actually organize the gathering after the mid sem test so that everyone can have fun and relax.

the poll is here: everyone please vote!

hope to hear from you guys soon.

